Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Is Blogging

This diagram leaves out at least one important aspect of the internet, I mean c'mon where is blogging. It should fit into all of these categories just like twitter (only awesome). Look at it this way

  • Only very narcissistic people write blogs. Have you ever seen a blog from a normal person, I mean there is Barney Stinson's blog (which is very good a close second to mine) and he's slightly narcissistic. He is allowed to be because he is awesome (once again close second to me).
  • Only people with ADHD write blogs. We get very bored very easily so we blog
  • Stalkers read blogs not just facebook, twitter, and whatever tweet talk is (it looks dumb).

I for one do not understand how tweet talk (still dont know, nor care what it is, for there is no way it beats blogging) of all things made it onto this list, while blogging did not. Where is there sense of dignity though despair, inc. is pretty awesome. Awesomeness, isn't that an awesome word?

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